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Anthony Chen

An average Asian pianist looking to make a difference in piano pedagogy

About Me

Welcome to my musical sanctuary! I'm thrilled to have you here as we embark on a melodic adventure together. As a dedicated musician and pianist, my heart finds its rhythm in the enchanting world of piano pedagogy and music education. This website serves as a canvas where I illustrate and highlight my musical experiences, insights, and aspirations. Whether you're a fellow music enthusiast, a curious learner, or simply seeking a harmonious escape, I invite you to join me on this melodious journey. Let's harmonize, learn, and grow together, creating a symphony of knowledge and inspiration in the realm of music. Thank you for sharing this musical odyssey with me!
My piano learning journey spans over 15 years, a harmonious odyssey of growth and discovery. From the moment my fingers first caressed the ivory keys, a profound connection to music was born. Over the years, I have diligently honed my skills, guided by devoted mentors, teachers and personal exploration. Each note played has been a stepping stone toward mastering the art of expression and interpretation. Through countless hours of practice and unwavering determination, I have unlocked the secrets of musicality and technique, learning to weave emotions and stories through the keys. This transformative voyage has not only deepened my understanding of music but has also instilled in me an unyielding desire to share this enriching journey with aspiring m

Me in a

Image by Mohamed Nohassi
Image by Lorenzo Spoleti
Image by Kenny Eliason

A little dive into my own personal life and what I do to combat the hardships whilst embracing the core of my individuality as a music educator or piano enthusiast!

A page about my journey as a pianist and how I apply my knowledge and growing pedagogy as a piano teacher to cater to the lives of aspiring musical stars.

A page about my journey in my degree of Bachelor of Music Education, and a little bit about what I have learned in my current degree. Not including topics outside the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

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